Information for Presenters

1.Presenters who participate in the Parallel Sessions onsite must attend the sessions on site and do the presentation based on the schedule.

2.The offline presentation is limited to 10 minutes maximum. 

3.Presenters who participate in the online Parallel Sessions or Research Student Session must record their presentation and upload the link or the file to be showed during the sessions.

4.Pre-recorded presentation is limited to 10 minutes maximum.

5.Each presenter is expected to attend the presentation session to participate in the Questions and Answers Session.

6.Instructions for the presenters to submit the pre-recorded presentation is here.

Information for Participants

1. All participants must register and create a Conaplin account at the following link: Participant Registration

2. The participants can select the parallel session rooms they want to attend.     

3. The offline participants can join all features of CONAPLIN 15.

4. Offline parallel sessions cannot be attended by the online participants.

5. Workshops will be held hybrid, recorded, and shared on Youtube Balai Bahasa UPI a few days after CONAPLIN 15 has finished.   

6. The participants will be provided links to join the conference about one week before the conference dates.